Thursday, March 3, 2011

Worksite Day 04

Loading up in the Kia Pregio van every day, there is always someone who wants to get "shotgun."  Nothing like peering out the front window to see how close those swerves and screeches really are!  Of course, the very rear seat gives you a certain kick in the kidney that you really can't experience anywhere else.

On the way home, we saw this group of guys tenuously hanging onto the back of this tap-tap shuttle while it climbed the mountain.  Saw the whites in their eyes when our driver tried to pass on a blind curve!

Forgot to mention yesterday that we did get to stop in at a regular grocery store.  We picked up some bread for our sack lunches and then extra groceries to to give to a family later in the day.  After you checked out your groceries, you paid a woman behind a very high desk and then you got help to your vehicle from the various guys who loitered around the front.  Of course, you're supposed to tip them as well...

The worksite went great today and we were full swing into building forms for the headers.  Much more tricky getting concrete to pour over doorways, windows and such.  We all really leaned on the experience of the two masons to get those built.

Joel, Chris and Phil were working in the back corner of the house to build and pour a footer around the bathroom.  Not to brag, but we're pretty sure that room will be the strongest in the house!

Jacob was helping remove some of the forms from a header with Mike, but when he finished and got down from the scaffolding, his landing was on some unsteady blocks and he smacked his knee pretty hard.  We pulled out our first aid kit for the walking wounded, but Jacob is a pretty tough guy and he walked it off. (We later found out that he had fractured his kneecap!)

The mason disappeared as soon as Jacob got hurt, but later appeared with a freshly constructed ladder.  We of course named it "Jacob's Ladder."

We left the work site early today, so that we could go visit the family from the July team's visit.  We had brought a photo album from the last team, which we gave to the family.

It was really amazing how great the place looked!  The plaster was a great finishing over the blocks our guys built.  Almost everyone asked us if Travis was with the team!

We got back to Bethel House in time for another play time at the orphanage.  Only one day left on the work site!  BTW, the Olympic games of burn are staying steady and it is anyone's game as we head into the medal finals tomorrow night.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, its great to see Vanessa, the family, how the house looks now. Amazing!
