- Building A House (video below)
- Making friends with folks in the neighborhood, playing soccer
- Witnessing with the gospel (video below)
- Visiting orphans (video below)
The July 2010 team not only built a house, we also connected with the people of Rue Delmas 87. Almost no one spoke French when we got there, but so almost everyone on the team had picked up the basics and made friends by the end of the week. Jacob's juggling and magic tricks got a crowd of kids and adults alike, and then he or Roger witnessed to the folks, through our translator. Unfortunately its not on video, but no one on the trip will forget Jacob sharing Christ to the people on the other side of the ravine, some standing on their rooftops to hear.
OK, so it is hard work. Haiti literally means "high mountain". Everything is on a hill. Better get on the Stairmaster before coming down. Here is the most popular video from the trip:
The "Long Walk"
Roger witnessing to the folks on the street:
And here is an impromptu tour of the temporary orphanage, which had been just another wing of the Bethel Guest House. The original orphanage was in Carrefour, the epicenter of the earthquake. That orphanage is unsafe, and will cost $20,000 just for demolition, let alone rebuilding.